Posted: 10/5/18
The field equipment needed varies depending on how your aircraft is powered. The list below shows what's typically needed to fly a glow engine powered model. For convenience, most modelers store this gear in a "flight box" caddy for easy carrying. Except for fuel, most of the items are one-time purchases. You can use them for a lifetime, with as many different models as you fly.

Power Panel
Outfitted with a 12V field battery, the power panel serves as a central power station for operating your electrical field equipment.
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Glow Plug Clip
Electrical device that gives your engine's glow plug the initial heat it needs to burn fuel.
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Fuel Pump
Moves fuel from your gallon can or jug to the plane's fuel tank. Available in hand-crank or electric-powered styles.
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Fuel Line, Filters & Cap Fittings
Fuel moves through these from your can or jug to the pump, and from the pump into your model's fuel tank.
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12V Electric Starter
A motor-equipped device for easy engine starting, powered by the power panel. A small wooden dowel (sometimes called a "chicken stick") can also be used.
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Glow Plugs and Propellers
It's always a good idea to carry extras…without a spare, you might be forced to stop flying early.
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Glow Fuel
The glow fuel used for model engines carries a percent rating, which indicates its nitromethane content. For trainer aircraft, 10% or 15% is recommended. Use a good quality fuel with a blend of castor oil and synthetic lubricants to protect your engine. Avoid "cheap" fuels, which sometimes attract moisture and cause engine parts to rust.
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